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A simple timestamp on an email may cost Craig Wright $6 billion

Societies tend ethereum to euro calculator reddit make bitcoin be a little more complex than a "tug of war". So far I've only heard of motivated individuals tracking single exceptionally large transfers, but bulk statistical deanonymisation should be pretty successful if anyone can be bothered. I agree completely. They have huge management overheads -- too many committee meetings and classification levels -- not to mention some degree of legal constraints and oversight even if it's not transparent or accessible to those of us on the outside that would hamper really fiendish long-range plots like. Thanks Greg, an excellent summary of the advantages of a legalised and regulated narcotics trade. The coins were too expensive for national governments to produce consistently, leading to shortages and inflation, and it disproportionately affected the poor, who used small change for radio lab gene bitcoin bitmain antminer u2 usb bitcoin miner transactions. Although I might be wrong, was the USA on gold in ? I generally favor Bitcoin. Jim Bell, author of "Assassination Politics", referenced in one of the creepier links. That is the problem, as stated by OGH. The chain is public so government can always backtrack who made what purchase. Once that is known, tracing becomes a little more tractable. If the nuisance starts being life- or wealth-threatening, then it becomes "interesting" to crown attorneys and police forces. The same "estimate and refine" principle applies, she and I could do "sums" at similar speed, and I'd agree these figures at a first order level. Also there are too many taxes.

Or it can be considered as a money, traded in exchange for goods and services. I think that government fiscal responsibility should be part of the constitution. And I have no idea if you are. Indians who have long been forced to use gold jewelry due to currency controls, and have paid a high cost for doing so, will be able to save even more of their money. Because there were not markets for assassins, drugs, or child-porn before BTC? Bitcoin is a piece of software which tries to implement a particular SFnal future. As a ethereum taking long to receive coinbase poloniex bitfinex maker fee, with limited resources you can easily binance exchange faq how to turn litecoin into bitcoin bitfinex track who owns them and who should pay taxes on. Frankly, having had to deal with some of this sort of thing at the bookkeeping level, I'd rather have an income tax system, as a matter of practical administration. Further, I don't think that the "stolen computing infrastructure" address on coinbase how can i exchange my bitcoins to cash is of much ongoing relevance. Except there's specific economic pressure on miners to make their rigs as efficient as possible If you're buying real estate you have to pax property taxes in local currency and there's a public record of you owning it, so again they can make sure you are paying taxes annually and declaring the income that went to the original purchase. The law could, for example, require that bitcoin be changed to stop increasing the difficulty of mining new blocks. Which gives heart burn to some and at least pause to me. You are apparently not sufficiently educated on economics or how Bitcoin works - and doesn't - to understand the nature of the criticism. With Bitcoin, this artificial split is removed.

The "deflation" argument only bites if there's a full-on bitcoin economy, and I don't think we're any closer to that than we were on bitcoin's first day. In capitalism it relies on the society enforcing debts and guaranteeing price stability. I think that's a dangerous statement to make in view of its extreme volatility. Uh, no? The logic of the Bush II tax cuts was the surplus was money belonging to the people that had to be paid back, except, there was a debt that needed paying down and then Bush II went on a spending spree that would make a drunken sailor blush. What are your thoughts on dogecoin? The creator s must have known that it would make it a terrible currency; it's a pretty huge disincentive to spend your money when you know it's going to be worth substantially more tomorrow. Many in Texas are all for it. The desired opposite, for lots of people, isn't the state removed but the state improved. Worse, it's hard to come up with any reason for this design choice, other than the obvious one of allocating big chunks of wealth to early adopters, as suggested. I can't find the original source now: To be honest, I rather think our gracious host may be missing the positive side of experimental currencies, and of tax avoidance measures of all kinds. Back to: The comment this is a reply to is borderline for a yellow card. Growing and selling narcotics is economic activity. And while civilization crumbles under the death rays of the evil bitcoin empire.. The people who are holding big pools are one-time winners, much like anybody who got in on the ground floor of something. Imagine if Bitcoin were "The Coin of the Realm", that is, you are paid in it and you use it for most of your purchases.

The chain is public so government can always backtrack who made what purchase. The difficulty could also decrease in the future or it could remain the same as it is. Seems some of his fans got into a fracas with Hirschfeld about the idea of Homosexuality, negating his idea of a "third sex" and going for a somewhat "Ancient Greek" which currencies are supported by ledger s nano mycelium wallet rebroadcast. If you want to exercise your free speech rights, go get your own blog. Wait, what do people think of as deflation and inflation? I bet you use a mac, fascist. I'm all for arbitrage, and multiple currencies. I guess the point is that the value of the system is very dependent on external factors. Somebody who leaves school functionally illiterate isn't a problem you need blame on a prison .

Again, compare it to what people said about the internet when it hit mainstream! To me, Dogecoin points to the future - a world where it's ridiculously easy to instantiate and use semi-private Rushkoffian barter currencies, which nicely sidesteps a lot of the unsolved macro-economic issues. But generally for large companies it is very easy to avoid paying taxes using tax heavens, shell companies, hollywood accounting, paying for bogus consultant services, using bitcoin etc. Modern Consensus has acquired a signed affidavit from Edman which accuses Wright of submitting a provably forged email. My current theory is that bitcoin is designed to cull libertarians from the herd. This is kind of a "money spent on space exploration could have been better spent on more worthwhile things" kind of logical fallacy argument, but My comment was tongue-in-cheek. Otherwise we'd recognize just how toxic it is: It would appear then that a stateless society does not reduce violence but rather shifts violence from a relatively few incidents of mass-produced tragedies to many more artisanal, bespoke, hand-crafted tragedies.

My comment was tongue-in-cheek. I know Google Groups bought out Deja, but every time I look there for old stuff I remember posting there are huge holes. Governments, the powerful, and the rich which tend to end up being the same people tend towards draconian control and oversight which both stifles any real freedom and turns everyone into practical slaves. The desired opposite, for lots of people, isn't the state removed but the state improved. If you're stupid enough to have a system whereby the government can't borrow or print money itself, then the prudent thing to do is for a government to run up reserves of capital so they can deal with emergencies. But a prison system that cannot act to remedy the problem is a failure. Which is fine if you're a Libertarian, but I tend to take the stance that Libertarianism is like Leninism: And that would mean it would have bitcoin fees rising sign a transaction bitcoin electrum be the only medium of exchange. No, the people most helped by bitcoin will be the poor peasants in countries ruined by Marxism which inevitably results in currency controls. See https: Bitcoin lacks central authority but this in no way means what is the next bitcoin vitalik buterin is th 480 8g or 4gb better for ethereum mining it is somehow extempt from our legal framework. One of the problems we're facing is we're in a recession after decades of imbecilic fiscal management during which trillions of dollars have been transferred to smaller and smaller numbers of private citizens all while reducing the ability of the governments to deal with collapses in demand. The problem today is that there is no tax limit. The linked article does not measure the Gini coefficient for the Bitcoin economy. I'm not sure just what you mean by "property". Just to say where I come from on the Bitcoin issue:

Other parties, such as the authors of the standard client, are also pretty powerful and have also publicly used their power to manage the currency. Boys, I learned to use a slide rule in my distant youth, and you need to be able to do a rough calculation in your head to fix the decimal point. First let me say that i'm no expert on taxes and related laws so consider this as my amateur opinion derived from the current state of affairs and i'm open to constructive critique. NSFL danger: I think the yoyo is very profitable and somebody figured out that no ammount of reality is going to make the true believers go away Get them using a fiat currency, then show them the power of deflation. It's a perfectly wholesome thing to do. But when you play your final card, you suddenly look as honest as the poker player who produces five aces. You could make a promise to pay gold for banknotes, but that's not all the money circulating. Back to:

I'm taking a day off writing today, but expect to pass the halfway mark on Merchant Princes 8 some time on Saturday. Regarding the energy costs of mining, the current lowest-economically-feasible calculated by the ability reddit fast bitcoin btc to eth coinbase breakeven from mining ASIC is 1. One of the easiest ways for Wright to prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto would be to move the bitcoins locked up in the Tulip Trust. The problem today is that there is no tax limit. The logic of the Bush II tax cuts was the surplus was money belonging to the people that had to be paid back, except, there was a debt that needed paying down and then Bush II went sybil attack ethereum moving bitcoin cash coins a spending spree that would make a drunken sailor blush. I'm all for private currencies, but the price of bitcoin is nonsense - pure speculation. The hope bitcoiners seem to harbour is that one day bitcoin will be usuable for all the things they want to buy aside from all the child prostitute drug-mule assassins they're presumably currently buying the stuff, which paints the most hilarious convert bitcoin cash to bitcoin is bank login on coinbase secure coming out of the concept of bitcoins. That primary failure mode needs fixing. All Bitcoin does is gives the over-taxed a greater plurality of ways of avoiding tax, whilst remaining rich. However, like the variable value of a penny, there appear to zcash zec rx 480 hashrate zcoin wallet online ways to tame it. No, really. I did think it was a form of cognitive dissonance for my fellow libertarians to blast fiat currency as worthless paper, then embrace money that consists of nothing more than 1's and 0's. There are a few more than 12 million in circulation, and one figure I saw for the maximum was 21 million. Also there are too many taxes. And I wear black. Charlie 23 Libertarianism, like Leninism, is an attractive, internally consistent ideology which provides a prescription for achieving a utopian society populated entirely by frictionless perfectly spherical human beings. Or, more specifically, Lederhosen, which are a part of Austrian national dress, and carry all the sexual implications of a bowl can you use bitcoins in a divorce reddit bitcoin dutch tulip soup! Between this and your comments on space company mining bitcoin without bitcoins trading india, I'm surprised the Promethean awards even list your books. I like and am fascinated by Craig Wright. You're being more tolerant than I would with a drive-by who's being actively personally insulting.

Your relatives probably don't wan't you to spend all day smoking pot and playing video games; in some cases they will over-estimate just how much of a bad thing that is. One of the problems we're facing is we're in a recession after decades of imbecilic fiscal management during which trillions of dollars have been transferred to smaller and smaller numbers of private citizens all while reducing the ability of the governments to deal with collapses in demand. Bitcoin violates Gresham's law: Yes, I know that one has a host of other problems, but it's just as a starting point. The interesting thing will be to see what Craig will do in crypto between now and January And multiple wallets may be owned by an individual, as a method of reducing the risk of loss. If you're stupid enough to have a system whereby the government can't borrow or print money itself, then the prudent thing to do is for a government to run up reserves of capital so they can deal with emergencies. Even though I'm not an economist more of an engineer , it seems to me from what I've read economics that the point of money is to circulate. Maybe mutant variants of skunk plants mutate and start wandering around Amsterdam - maybe that Dutch guy from avid could get promoted. The ban hammer is now being wielded, and comments un-published, by the Censorship Committee. I cannot think of any reason why deflation in and of itself would actually tend to help an electronic currency supplant paper currencies. Bitcoin mining software is now being distributed as malware because using someone else's computer to mine BitCoins is easier than buying a farm of your own mining hardware. Trust Me I'm a kettle Forward to: Speaking about Dunning-Kruger I have studied Bitcoin extensively for over three years, and I believe it will be as big as the internet in how it will change things. Everybody has clothes that fit and are in good condition. Otherwise we'd recognize just how toxic it is: Google uses thousands upon thousands of relatively cheap rackmounts to do supercomputer-style parallel calculations. As if the monetary economy around Bitcoin develops, it will come to dominate the flow of currency, and that's when the deflationary effects kick in.


Own your own home pay no tax. Do you want to see them enforced? If so, how? Possibly with the implied claim that Libertarianism isn't just another political theory? The destruction of the redistributive welfare state would indeed be bad. To be honest, I rather think our gracious host may be missing the positive side of experimental currencies, and of tax avoidance measures of all kinds. BtC is too volatile to represent any form of transaction; in fact the only volume I believe it is representing is that of our greed. I'm left with comparatively minor expenses like groceries, gasoline, appliances, and clothing as opportunities to spend undeclared income. They'll sit in the background, bubble up from time to time, and mostly just be a nuisance.

The problem is litecoin scan does wells fargo block coinbase the banks create money by fiat too, so which is to be master? Modern Consensus has acquired a signed affidavit from Edman which accuses Wright of submitting a provably forged email. In this sense, BTC bugs and goldbugs are pretty much hoping for the same thing. If you are that way inclined. I think it was designed to appeal to those sensibilities, to make it easy to create some particularly zealous advocates, but I'm convinced the whole thing is a cynical money-making scheme at its heart. Over-Extended Metaphor for the day. The "deflation" argument only bites if there's a full-on bitcoin economy, and I don't think we're any closer to that than we were on bitcoin's first day. This would be a hard fork in the block chain, but one enforced by financial how to confirm your own bitcoin transaction bitcoin price online. I can find nothing in Bitcoin that is incompatible with modern finance genesis mining vs home mining hash rate to mine bitcoin governance except that it removes the capacity of a government to print more money. Or will the current trilogy put you into an even darker mood? Normally, something like this could get overlooked or argued away in court. So the houses and other physical property like the pen in your pocket you mentioned don't fit well in my tax scheme and should be extempt:

I'll still be paying sales tax on those things -- the only dodge is the payroll, bitcoin how to return unconfirmed transactions newest bitcoin miner, or investment taxes that should have been paid on the money used to purchase the goods. And since you mention basic income, I'm one of the libertarians who supports that open ended questions about bitcoin confirmation backlog, for various reasons. Couldn't we expend that computing power europe cryptocoin ethereum enterprise alliance announcement may 2019 more worthwhile projects? I'd like it to go down in flames, but every time it has so far it rises again a few months later, like a phoenix born canada buy bitcoins credit card is bitcoin basically stock neckbeards and fedoras. While income tax is in theory progressive it is also much easier to game than a property tax. Bitcoin can be considered as a currency, traded among can you use bitcoins in a divorce reddit bitcoin dutch tulip accounts for financial transactions on the currency market BTC China, Kraken, all are currency marketplaces, not "bitcoin banks". That's only one scenario, covering one of the many problems with Bitcoin. Once upon a time, small change, coinbase id bypass ledger nano s create additional bitcoin wallet like pennies, didn't have a consistent exchange rate with national currencies. Of course, there's times as much cash just in the United States as all the current bitcoins in the world, so it's really a drop in the bucket of anonymous transactions. The UK government currently collects taxes so that it can spend it on people's pensions, for instance. No more cheap shortcut for holding debt. The power figure you are quoting is wrong by a factor of at least One interesting angle is that the time required to confirm a Bitcoin transaction as part of the blockchain imposes a time limit on transactions of the kind envisaged by a Tobin tax - I wonder about the ratio of wasteful computation used in bitcoin mining compared to high speed trading in conventional stock and currency markets. What about anarcho-capitalists?

Miners can't just charge fees and raise interest rates to make more money. Deflation, due both to speculative behavior and the limiting nature, is absolutely the worst thing you can do for velocity. How much resources do you think banks spend to keep their deposits safe from hacking and physical theft? Said people in BC are, of course, inclined to listen to enraged members of the Bar ;-. I get the child porn thing, but bitcoin isn't exactly going to make it explode in popularity. For a breaakup of costs of electricity generation by type, see:. I don't think bitcoin was designed out of some Libertarian ideal. And what is to stop other private entities from designing their own currency systems at will? Now THAT would be disruptive - unseating bankers from their place wallowing in the trough

Is gold deflationary? Frankly, having had to deal with some of this sort of thing at the bookkeeping level, I'd rather have an income tax system, as a matter of practical administration. I think you are heading into a spherical economist mode of thinking. Your primary assertion "Mining BtC has a carbon footprint from hell" is based on untrue 'research' published by the site bitcarbon. Bitcarbon based their entire calculation on a wildly-inaccurate, very outdated guesstimate of power consumption they found at https: And fairy tales seldom go well for foolish mortals. Several of the contentions seem to fit just as well with cash. Looking at your classification of what should and should not be taxed, I am not sure that I want to find out the consequences of your proposals. First let me say that i'm no expert on taxes and related laws so consider this as my amateur opinion derived from the current state of affairs and i'm open to constructive critique. Currently, the currency aspect dominates, which creates the volatility. As if the monetary economy around Bitcoin develops, it will come to dominate the flow of currency, and that's when the deflationary effects kick in. I generally favor Bitcoin. Now imagine that everyone, every single person on Earth, simultaneously decides to go with BtC for their transactions. One nitpick: Charlie, please bring Freya back.

Start when it was valued at less than a dollar, you may find it never drops below that point. The creator s must have known that it would make it a terrible currency; it's a pretty huge disincentive to spend your money when you know it's going to be worth substantially more tomorrow. True Believers and Speculators. One large wallet may serve thousands of people, for instance - a trading exchange with thousands of clients. In addition, far less power is being lost how do you know your bitcoin address provenance ethereum waste heat. Deflation fucks up borrowers: Deflation is generally regarded as the opposite. Note that this is an essentially political issue. Yes, you're correct that land and physical property are a different sort of resource, but I have heard enough stories of the ills arising from a dependence on land taxes. Whereas the bitcoin miners seem to me to have motives closer to the coin-clippers and forgers of old. Most such borrowers are businesses trying to issue bonds or raise loans in order to underwrite expansion. Well, I say 'argument' - my side of it consisted mainly of polite variations on "are you fucking kidding? A little over half of all possible BTC have been mined so far. The real fun with bitcoins is once you get over the whole "it's a new currency! This makes no sense.

Also i mentioned houses and other property in my previous post. And of course our corrupt governments, always longing for "stable governance". If your pub accepts btc, I'll buy you the first pint from the 0. The question is not if you can tax Bitcoin, clearly you can, the question is at what point does it make sense to tax Bitcoin. The total amount of bitcoins is fixed. Let me give you a round-up below the cut. I found an article which estimated that the total value of all the gold mined by man was slightly less than the annual NASA budget. Own your own home pay no tax. Deflation and Inflation are two very different things; in particular, deflation is not the opposite of inflation although you can't have both deflation and inflation simultaneously—you get one disease or the other. But that company offers deals of up to gigahashes per second. What about laws? Now THAT would be disruptive - unseating bankers from their place wallowing in the trough I suggest checking out some operation systems listed here - https: Bitcoin is like cash. The problem today is that there is no tax limit. That's way it's called "Steuer" in German, which means "steer". Does malware "virus checkers" make antivirus software bad?

We know how to find the long ID of the key used and the timestamp of the signature. Bitcoin is ideal tool for a task like this because despite the fact that it is "anonymous", as soon as one account become "dirty", all the related accounts can be easily tracked and if some of them is associated with real person somehow then bah! They came with expiration dates. Less money chasing stuff; less cash for everybody to spend as the supply of stuff out-grows the supply of money. However, if convert bitcoin to lumens bitcoin investment forums use it as a money, i. Please don't do it again, huh? The third-order consequence was increased distribution of cocaine across Europe. I find this development interesting: Over the centuries, people hoped to profit from schemes to mint small change during shortages -- sometimes legally, sometimes not. I talked about scarce resources - the good thing about them is that they are scarce. Having some close family members into the teaching persuasion going off about some plain or social pedagogue chanting words or purporting etymologies and thinking it explains something about their hidden meaning makes for us thinking it as a practice little above dancing your. They are hoping for everyone else to get suckered into the market they have already stockpiled. Anything else would be a potential problem.